Do you like traffic?

I’ve never met anyone who does.
Here in Dallas it has become a part of our daily life. Depending on the time of day and road you are on, it can be terrible. If I leave 5 minutes later than normal from work, I can add 20 minutes to my commute home. Each day is a new lesson in sanctification. At least it has the potential to be.  🙂
In the past month I have been stuck in traffic in Austin, Chicago, Indianapolis, San Jose, Los Angeles and here in Dallas.
None of it compares with traffic we find while driving in Port-au-Prince.
Occasionally I’ll catch myself whispering under my breath while sitting at a standstill in Dallas: “I can’t wait to get away from this traffic!” Then I remember where we’ll be living next.

Discovery Channel Canada recently featured a show highlighing the craziness that is driving in Port-au-Prince. If you’ve spent any time there, you’ll immediately relate to this.
(EDIT: Looks like the original full episode has been pulled down – here’s a highlight clip)
Which city’s traffic drives you the most crazy?